Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to Reality...

Two weeks without school is just heavenly... that is until you have to go back to school and are used to the good life. Tomorrow is my first day back at school after a nice holiday break. Back to waking up at six and doing homework every day. Welcome to the life of a high school senior. But there are still lots of good things...
- Everyday gets me closer to graduation!
- It is the beginning of 2010! I start college in the fall of 2010!!
- I made it through all three lord of the rings movies! (the third is my favorite)
- I only have 2 days (out of 3...) left of my cleanse!
- I have a really amazing sister, boyfriend, mother, and brother. My family rocks!
- I recently cleaned my room and it has stayed that way! ;)

This list could be much longer but my brain is fried due to procrastination of my math homework. Two weeks of vacation doesn't really help when you already suck at math. Consider my lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. getting back to reality was hard for me, too, this morning. you're lucky to be able to enjoy another day off. i can't believe you're a senior. whoa.
